Leonardo Marchi was born in Florence in 1988 and was introduced at an early age to the world of modern and contemporary art by his parents, active collectors, who founded the ArmandaGori Art Gallery in 1998.
He studied Business Economics at the University of Florence, followed by studies at the IED (European Institute of Design) in Art Management, also taking part in the MUS.E program of the Florentine Civic Museums at the Palazzo Vecchio museum during the period of the Jackson Pollock retrospective. After that, he participated in the Art Business program organized by Sotheby’s Auction House Institute of Art in London.
While attending school, he was always active, collaborating in his family's gallery, curating exhibitions and, in particular, devoting his attention to the organizational aspects, organizing events, preparing catalogues and advertising material. Later he became a full-fledged member of the staff of the gallery, specializing in analysis of the contemporary art market and in curating and organizing public and private exhibitions, also managing the gallery's participation in Contemporary Art fairs throughout Italy.
At his suggestion, the ArmandaGoriArte gallery opened a new branch in the town of Pietrasanta, renowned for its ties to the art world. He has been in charge of all the events there since 2014. In recent years he has broadened his focus to the sector of investments and portfolio diversification in the field of contemporary art, initiating an independent activity as an Art Dealer and attending all the main international art fairs, also performing the activity of Art Consultant for the many collectors with whom he has established relations.
Main Exhibitions curated
2009 Turi Simeti, LA FORMA DEL SILENZIO, ArmandaGoriarte, Prato .
2009 Piero Gilardi; Omar Ronda, SUPERNATURA, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Firenze .
2011 Giuseppe Chiari, Emilio isgrò, Ben Vautier, Lamberto Pignotti, SPAZIO PAROLA, Contemporary Museum of Arezzo, Arezzo.
2013 Umberto Mariani, GRIGIO PESANTE, Contemporary Museum of Arezzo, Arezzo.
2014 Giuseppe Chiari, Emilio Isgrò, Joseph Kosuth, Roman Opalka, Ben Vautier ARTE & LINGUAGGIO, Armanda Gori Arte, Pietrasanta (LU).
2014 Tino stefanoni, Sala S. Ignazio, Arezzo.
2014 POLICROMOFOBIA collettiva grandi maestri dell’arte contemporanea fra cui: Enrico Catellani, Agostino Bonalumi, Turi Simeti, Umberto Mariani, Getulio Alviani, Jorrit Tornquist...) sul tema del monocromo.
2014 TRA LUCE E MATERIA mostra personale di Armando Marrocco.
2015 Umberto Mariani, Plutone e Dioniso; Museo della Pittura Murale, Prato.
2016 Cesare Berlingeri, Il colore piegato, Armanda Gori Arte, Prato.
2016 AUroom collettiva grandi maestri dell’arte contemporanea fra cui (Lucio Fontana, Shozo Shimamoto, Elio Marchigiani, Armando Marrocco, Bernard Aubertin...) sul tema dell’oro.
2016 PITTURA ANALITICA mostra sul movimento italiano degli anni ‘70.
2016 LA TORRE DI BABELE a cura di Pietro Gaglianò in collaborazione con le gallerie dell’ANGAMC Toscane e del Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci.
2016 CreAZIONE mostra sulla pittura d’azione nel mondo con i movimenti artistici del GUTAI, ACTION PAINTING, AZIONISMO VIENNNESE, FLUXUS, POESIA VISIVA Armanda Gori Arte, Prat0.
2017 Bernard Aubertin, opere scelte, antologica sul lavoro del maestro facente parte del Gruppo Zero.
2017 PARTITURA A DUE, Riccardo Gusmaroli e Alfredo Rapetti Mogol, Armanda Gori Arte Pietrasanta.
2017 PentaChiari, mostra a cura di Bruno Corà in collaborazione con gallerie d'arte contemporanea di Prato e Firenze (TornabuoniArte; Fritteli Arte Contemporanea;Galleria Il Ponte; Santo Ficara) per il decennale dalla scomparsa del maestro Giuseppe Chiari.
2018 FORMA 1 con testi di Bruno Corà, mostra sul "Gruppo Forma" costituitosi a Roma nel 1947.